Things are looking very good for CEO's visit at the end of July, the south node will be on his Venus, very near his (possible as we don't know exact time and are speculating), MC in the 10th house. It's going to 'magically' be in the same degrees as my Sun, too. That means if you layed my chart on top of his, Asc to Asc, my Sun would also be there, conjunct his Venus. (I am only really just grokking that one myself as I type!). That's a method of astrology that my Mentor uses, though I have never really heard other astrologers talk about that much, but it's always seemed pretty relevant to me.
Anyway, south node transit to Venus, is a good transit to have. It gives that feeling of 'fated attraction', that 'meant to be' factor. And being in his 10th house, it's work related... Hmmm.. ;-)
Of course, if (and that's a huge 'if') he has a fling with a coworker, it doesn't have to be me necessarily.. Maybe he's doing a coworker in another of his offices, who knows. Could also just be some nice recognition he gets in some career-related arena, but I'm looking at the astrology and smiling, whatever it is. He will be here when it happens. It's a transit in his chart I have had my eye on for a while.
I notice the nodes transiting his MC and IC when the late November eclipse occurs, too, which is another hot-spot this year that I've had my eye on, for work-related things, and in general. Interesting that his chart ties in with that one too.That one hits me square on the Asc!! It's also the point at which Venus turned direct again last month after her retrograde.
I think that's when there are going to be some pretty big changes around here. I was talking with S last night, she's Business Central, knows all the corporate tricks and turns, and said they usually wait about 3 financial quarters when taking over new businesses, to see who is performing or not, then make decisions after the end of the 3rd quarter, which would coincide nicely with the eclipse then!
I dunno, maybe he'll just fire me for stalking him, and spending all my time on line looking at his astrology chart.. ;-)
S is doing the STP bike ride this weekend, driving up to Seattle, then riding with 10,000 other people, back down to Portland. 204 miles in 2 days. All because her Ex is a cyclist, she's hoping to run into him. I swear to God, that makes me look fucking sane.
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