The Pack
Community of the lycanthropes.
All lycanthropes. Currently 40 million.
The Pack is the generic term for all lycanthropes everywhere. It is akin to a government department in that it provides assistance, housing and employment to its' members.
Current leader is Carol Holfensteim ( Baroness Karolinya, Marquise of Tolseichner; Viscountess of Laschavia, Regent-Hereditary of Wallachia).
The Haemocracy.
Democracy of the Haemocrats (vampires).
All Haemocrats. Currently 40 million.
The Haemocracy is the generic term for all Haemocrats. It is a democracy and all Haemocrats participate via the web and smart-phones. Haemocrats are technologically advanced in telecommunications and many Haemocrats sit on boards of the biggest telecommunications companies in the world.
Haemocrats are devoted to protecting the innocent. This is why they devoted themselves to only feasting on the bad elements of society.
Haemocrats will feast on alternative foods such as cow blood.
The above excerpt is from a work written by Damien Timms and is protected by International Copyright lodged in Australia and the USA and may not be reproduced in part or whole without the written permission of the author.
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