Brenton over at Aussielicious did this piece....
And it got me thinking.............
I had plenty of fuckbuds before I settled down with "Bubb". Some of those were simple "Blow n Go"; others were "Get In - Get It On - For Hours - But Then Get Out" - and a few were genuine fuck-buddies.... as in maybe some food first; then the action; then maybe a drink after/dvd/dessert; then more action.......
But I have never had a Cuddle Buddy.
Like Brenton, I have heard of the cuddle parties that happen in the US - and I have to admit that the idea of them creeps me out a little - but the idea of someone who drops over and you have a cuddle / snuggle with and make out some..... maybe before during and after a nap ...... on the couch with a dvd.... on the couch just snuggling and making out - that appeals.
But how does one find that?
Given how hard it is for someone in my situation to find a root - finding an intimacy partner would be almost impossible.
Plus I do have to revisit the question - can you have an intimacy partner without feelings creeping into the situation?
It's easy for us to fuck - men in general have a very clear distinction between fucking and loving - but snuggling and kissing? Deep kissing with lots of body contact, maybe a little sweat from the combined body heat?
Hmmmm............................................... one has to ponder this.....
Your thoughts?
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