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Odds & Ends: The Yard Boy and Thanksgiving Plans

Just some odds and ends today.

Now that I've got the Yard Boy (aka Matty) outside raking leaves where he's most happy when we do house cleaning things, I'm taking a short break between getting the house clean and starting my Thanksgiving cooking.

If you remember for a while back, we both figured out that we make a pretty good partnership when it comes to the division of labor with house maintenance matters. I have absolutely no interest in cutting the grass, raking leaves, trimming the hedges, etc. And Matty has some kind of serious phobia about being cooped up inside to vacuum, dust, clean closets and cook.

I've made it clear I'm in total charge of anything having to do with the kitchen. He's pretty much mastered the art of boiling water without burning the kitchen down and he can also press a button on the microwave to make us popcorn when we watch a movie. But that's it!

He absolutely has to stay away from any sharp objects like the knives and if he gets anywhere within 10 feet of the blender, he knows I'm gonna tackle him to the floor. A few weeks ago he was trying to make himself some kind of energy drink in the blender by mixing in all sorts of really gross smelling protein things. When he got it all in and pressed the button to blend it all together, the plastic top flew off and all that gross smelling liquid went spewing all over the kitchen! So the blender is now a no, no!

We have some really cool neighbors and Matty's made friends with the guy next door and this other man across the street. They saw him going for a run after we first moved in and invited him to join them in the evenings and on the weekends. Both these guys also love working outdoors in their yards, so now Matty has some "playmates" he can commiserate with about hating indoor house work!

I'm spending the rest of this afternoon getting a head start on some Thanksgiving baking. All I'm doing is making different pies, cakes and some cookies. For Thanksgiving we're going to Matty's parent's house around 12 noon, since they tend to celebrate a little earlier than my family. Around 3:00 we'll head over to my parent's house to spend some time with them and finish eating what we have room for in our tummies!

Then, at 6:00 that evening, both Matty's parents and mine, along with 3 of our friends, will meet at our house for all those desserts I'm starting to bake today. Matty invited a fellow student from one of his classes to join us who's from Italy and would be alone that day. And we have 2 friends who have really strained relationships with their parents to also join us.

Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday of the year. I love the cooking that's involved and it's a chance to show off all the baking skills my mom taught me, and believe me, she's a pro with desserts!

Matty says Christmas is his favorite holiday, and can we all guess why? Yes, is someone raising their hand? Yes, that's right. He's like this little kid with excitement when he gets to open all the presents he gets. And, it's the only time he actually likes to go shopping to buy presents for other people.

Anyway, I need to go check on Yard Boy before I get back to my baking. He always beams when I look excited to see how nice he's gotten the yard. Positive reinforcement is a godsend! Plus, he really does an exceptional job on the yard and my excitement to see what he's done is completely genuine.

So, hope everyone is having a nice weekend! Talk to you later!
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