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Just been looking ahead at the summer's astrology, there are a whole bunch of Jupiter Neptune Saturn trines in mid July all within a few days, should be an interesting time. Jupiter will be in my 2nd house for all that. I also get my Jupiter opposition in late June.  2nd to 8th house. Maybe that's when my Uncle will pass, 8th house being death and all. 

I am so tired today, I have a cold that's been going around our office for the last 2 months, and I have avoided it until now. I am not really sick, just very tired and blah-feeling.  It's a challenge, being here. I want to go take a looooonnng nap.  I almost went to another event last night with my local kinks, but couldn't quite get off the couch.  They are a sweet bunch. I have been chatting on line with a few of them.  :)

I am staying at E's tonight. I haven't been there much at all lately, I sort of felt like I owe him a night there. We have lots of tv to catch up on, anyway.  He's had this cold already.

Haven't had any contact with CEO lately. He's Catholic, probably watching the next Pope or something.. lol  Yeah, I'm a kink, a Pagan, a Heretic, a Thelemite, he's a Good Catholic, that's going to work.  I was quite glad the other night, that I didn't see any attractive guys when I went.  It was a relief not to want to play with anybody, just hang out, and get to talk to people, rather than be all hopped up on hormones. 

Been chatting with my mom today via email. We're both saying how weird life is at the moment, so many changes, so much stuff to process. My Dad is going through this process with his brother dying, and it's horrendous to watch from the sidelines, being so far away, not being able to help or be there for him. 

You know when you feel your life changing, almost as if behind the scenes, nothing tangible, but you know the wheels are in motion. That's my life.  All the action is behind the scenes.  Waiting..  Not quite ripe yet. 

I had a LinkedIn invitation from G, Ex's best friend, today.  It was a year ago almost, the whole Facebook fiasco, when Ex's buddy Steve forwarded my Facebook conversation with him to Ex, and Ex got to read all the nasty thoughts in my head, and send it all to the rest of them, including Master, too. I was the leper. Now, just a year later, I'm getting fucking LinkedIn invites.
I didn't respond. 

Part of me wants to accept, out of curiosity, part of me wants to email him and say what the fuck, G, what are you doing??  I should probably just hit the decline button.  CEO is on there, I haven't been brave enough to send him an invite, but I did send CFO one that he accepted, that was sweet.  I shouldn't be such a chickenshit, should I? 

S and I have been joking about if and when I get some money from my Uncle, how much will it take to get Ex talking to me again?  ;-)  I think she might tell him, and 'enhance' the amount a little, stick a zero on the end maybe, just so see what he does or says, or if he suddenly wants to be friends again.. lol 
I am so cynical. 

Oh, I am tired. Nap now, please..  One hour to go.  

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