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ANNOUNCING: One Year Blog Anniversary!

One year ago (actually 2 days ago) we published our very first blog post. If you click on the link you'll see the post is dated March 26, but all the comments are dated April 4. This is because we wrote the first post on March 26 and had no clue that you could schedule the post for a later date. We wanted the first post to go up on April 4, so on April 4 we just clicked "Publish Post" and assumed that date would appear. Oops. We just hoped that was not some kind of bad omen for the blog.

Some of the people who left a comment on that first post still leave comments now. Whether you were with us on Opening Day or found us later, we're very grateful you've been part of this journey with us.

We want to explain some of the Announcement Clues we've been leaving for the past few weeks:

Announcement Clue # 1 - In that post, I wrote about how Brad and I had been dating for a while. We asked different people how you know you're in Love, with a capital "L". One clue was the last part of the last sentence:
"Then we started hearing things like, 'Most gay relationships don't last that long under the best of circumstances. And at your age, it would be a miracle if you're still together after one year.' WTF? We were just asking how you know if you're 'in love' with somebody, and already people are making predictions that we won't last one year!"

People were actually saying that the chances that our relationship lasting a year were slim, primarily because of our age. Well, not only did we make it to that first year, we're getting ready to celebrate our second anniversary (of meeting each other) next month!

So, the clue for the Announcement is "one year." Get it? I know, pretty obscure and lame, but it's there! LOL

The second clue in that post is the sentence, 
"That first year was definitely worth all the work and required a lot of communication."

 Announcement Clue # 2 - In this post, Brad used the word "follow" or "following" a number of times. This refers to you, our readers.

But a blog like ours is a two-way street. Just as you follow us, we've also followed your comments to us, and we've gotten a lot of wise and supportive words from you. That's what Brad meant when he wrote,
"We found ourselves following a lot of the advice that sounded solid and wise."
Announcement Clue # 3 - In that post, I wrote,

"...I've found a tremendous benefit from writing what I'm thinking about and what I'm feeling. When I write things out, I can always see what's going on inside me at lot better, then I can figure things out or talk about it with Brad or other people I trust."
Several times in that post I referred to how important "writing" has been to me. We both have benefited from thinking about some really important issues in our relationship and then sitting down and putting those thoughts and feelings into words.

My last sentence in that post reiterated this:

"...I'd highly recommend keeping a journal or finding some similar way to write out what's happening to you. For me, it's always led to much clearer thinking."

We both want to take this opportunity to Thank You for helping make our blog what it is today and we look forward to seeing you as we enter our second year!

Love you all, Matt and Brad
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